Ag class delivered harvest lunches and did a landscaping project this week.

This group of Wolsey-Wessington students were participants in the Wolsey-Wessington Oral Interp Festival, hosting nine schools in competition on Friday, October 15. Medal winners included Hailey Clarke, first place in storytelling, Shiara Noyes, second in serious, Kierra Dragt, second in poetry and Reader's Theater (Payson Gohn, Faith Nelson, Kelsie Roberts, Kate Hamilton and Lainey Uttecht) second, and Hailey Clarke and Faith Nelson, second in Duet.
The largest category at the oral interp festival in Wolsey-Wessington was duet, containing over 20 entries. Wolsey-Wessington had four of the top six duets in the end. In addition to Faith Nelson and Hailey Clarke in second place, Atara and Giyahna Richmond finished fourth, Alyssa and Hannah Hiles finished fifth and Macie and Tatum Luce finished sixth. We are very proud of our "sister acts."

Harvest meals delivered by FFA members

Post prom will be hosting a Tailgate supper before Friday's Football game.

The 5th graders got to learn a new game with Mr. Hooks' Service Learning class last Thursday!

Sheep Dog Trials at State Fair

Good afternoon! We hope this week is starting off well!