Congrats to Paislee Kleinsasser and Emersynn Dorris for being this weeks elementary SOAR students of the week!! Keep up the great work!!
4 months ago, Riley Donovan
High school newsletter Nov. 24th
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
pg 1 newsletter nov 24
HS newsletter Nov.24
November 24th MS Newsletter
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
Nov 24 MS
1st place at the district FFA LDE competition in Agriculture Issues! Congratulations!!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
Congratulations to Oral Interp for advancing to the State Competition for Reader's Theater and Poetry!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
It's that time of year again! HOSA is selling Advent Calendars! If you would like to purchase a calendar, please fill out the order form and one of the members will make arrangements to deliver to you! Order forms are due back to the office or member by November 26th!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
HS Nov. 17th Newsletter
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
HS nov. 17th newsletter
MS Newsletter Nov. 17th
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
MS Nov 17 Newsletter
Family, friends, community! EVERYONE is welcome to attend the pep rally for our Warbird Football Team before they leave for the State Championship! Tomorrow (Thursday) at 9AM! Send off to follow! Line the streets to show your support as they make their way out of town!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
Congratualtions to our MS and HS Honor Roll Students for Quarter 1! Keep up the great work!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
5th /6th grade girls won the Tulare Basketball Tournament on Saturday! Way to go, Warbirds!!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
MS Newsletter 11-10-24
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
11-10-24 MS newsletter
HS Newsletter 11-10-2024
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
11-10-24 Newsletter HS
The School Board meeting has been moved to Monday at 5:30
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
Congratulations to the Wolsey-Wessington Oral Interpretation team for a great day at District competition in Huron on November 5. Congratulations to Hannah Hiles and Aleksandra Piechocka for finishing alternate in duet. And congratulations to the following entries for advancing to the next round of competition at Regions: Kendal Uttecht in Poetry, Jett Kleinsasser in Humorous, Colin Hughes in Serious and Moshe Richmond, Colin Hughes, Keaton Zomer, Ashton Hill and Caleb Richmond in our Reader's Theater entitled "All That Jazz." Good luck to you all at Regions in DeSmet on November 18!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the last day to sign up for the Football Fan Bus to Wall on Friday! $5.00/Person
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
We will be holding a Veteran’s Day Program on Monday, November 11, at 2:30 p.m. to honor our veterans. We invite students and staff to submit a photo of family members who have served or are currently serving in the military to be included in a slideshow for the program. If you submitted a photo in previous years, your veteran’s image will remain in the slideshow. For new submissions, please email a photo and the following information to by Friday, November 8. Required Information: Name of Veteran: Relationship to W-W student or staff member: Veteran's rank: Time/War served: Thank you for helping us recognize and honor our veterans.
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
Priceless Prom Event will be January 18th & 19th in Wessington Springs!
4 months ago, Wolsey-Wessington School District
MS Newsletter November 3rd. Reminder of HOSA dress up days!
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
nov3MS newsletter
High School Newsletter for November 3rd...Reminder of HOSA week dress up days
4 months ago, Leslie Tvedt
HS newsletter NOv3
HS Newsletter pg2