Priceless Prom Event will be January 18th & 19th in Wessington Springs!

MS Newsletter November 3rd. Reminder of HOSA dress up days!

High School Newsletter for November 3rd...Reminder of HOSA week dress up days

Halloween parade for the elementary!!

Another exciting event happening at W-W!
Family Trivia Night! November 11th @ 7pm!
Hosted by Mr. Kemntiz's Leadership Class!

HOSA week is November 4th-7th.
Come to school dressed up!
Prizes will be awarded for the classes with the most participation throughout the week (HS, MS and ELE)!

Come enjoy an afternoon of BINGO! November 9th at the Wolsey Community Center!

Check out this neat opportunity that the STEM club is offering!

HS October 27th Newsletter

Middle School October 27th Newsletter

A huge thank you to the Wolsey Fire Department for letting some of our elementary students come down and learn!!

MS Newsletter October 20th

HS Newsletter week of October 20th

Ciera Stevens, Landon Jungemann and Emma Langbehn attended the Northwestern Middle School Music Festival on Tuesday!

For Sale!
Pickup Topper - came off a 2015 Ford F250 Super Duty, Long Bed.
Metal Carts - 3 metal carts (see picture)
We will be taking bids until Friday, October 25th at 11AM
To enter bids or if you have any questions, mail or call the school or email Amy Langbehn
375 Ash St, Wolsey, SD 57384

Congratulations to our school board for receiving Gold Level Board. Thank you for everything you do for our school district!

Wolsey-Wessington Oral Interp Co-Captains Moshe Richmond and Colin Hughes are all set to remind everyone that the annual Oral Interp Workshop and Public Performance are set for this Friday morning, October 18, at the high school. The public is invited to watch our nearly 30 participants as they perform three rounds. First round begins at approximately 8:30 am, second round at 9:45 and third round at 11:00. Check with your students as some performances will go ahead of schedule if they can. Join us, please!

Congrats to Weston Mumbulo and Murphy Moser for being this weeks elementary SOAR students of the week!! Keep up the great work!!

HS Newsletter October 13th.

MS Newsletter for October 13th.